Time:September 17-27, 2008
Theme:《歐洲深度旅遊 第四部‖2008奧地利》
Money 想想:
奧地利旅遊—緣起於一部電影《真善美》〔The Sound of Music〕!!

Money 又想想:
這趟奧地利旅行,沒能在薩爾斯堡的米拉貝爾花園內找到《The Sound of Music Pavillon》,真有小小的失落感!!

The Sound of Music Pavillon, Salzburg: can be found at Hellbrunn Palace today, in the movie it was still located at Leopoldskron Palace. One of the most famous and romantic scenes were filmed here: 'I am 16 going on 17'.


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